Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hub City PMT's

PMT's or People who make things are part of who we are. Every Tuesday night we girls get together and knit, crochet, and craft to our hearts content over wine, beer, and soft drinks. It's a great opportunity for a little chick time to talk about all those things we chicks love to talk about; husbands, boyfriends, children, pets, and of course our latest projects. Tonights meeting was a small intimate affair with only three of us but with the holidays upon us it is to be expected. And we had the added bonus of two husbands and their video game machines coming in about halfway through. I managed to finish yet another scarf and have officially gotten more than half of my Christmas presents finished. Though admittedly it's only by one project. Oh well, time to start on matching hats. I'll have to learn something else to give everyone next year since there are only so many scarves one person can wear. I think I'm finally going to break down and ask Traci to teach me how to make socks. I know it's silly but I hate having to ask for help. I guess this is what's called a learning experience. I'll let you know how it goes.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My first time

Contrary to title popularity I am referring to my very first post on my very first blog. Yup, this is it. I started this blog so that I can complain, boast, brag and request assistance on my knitting projects at ravelry.com. I discovered knitting last year a few months before Christmas. Ah the zen of knitting, the rhythmic clacking of needles, the soft swish of yarn. A chance to be totally involved in the creation of something that doesn't cry or need to be fed. Something over whose destiny you have total control, follow the pattern, change the pattern, make a new pattern, same color, new color, different colors, size shape. What ever your little heart desires can be made from needles and yarn. No matter what kind of day you're had or what troubles are on your mind your needles will always be there.